Thursday, November 4, 2010

Butt Kicking

Yoga today kicked my butt!  I don't know if it's because I only gor about 2 hours of sleep last night, or if it is because yesterday was arms workout day and I really pushed myself.   Whatever the reason, I couldn't do very much of it today.  I got through about 1/2 an hour of the DVD but I had to take 2 breaks and actually walk away for 10 minutes in order to do the 1/2 hours worth of working out.  Hopefully tomorrow will be better.
On a positive note, my arms feel great from yesterday.  They are tight, but I am not in extreme pain and my girlies said that they can "see my big muscles" so that was great to hear!  I guess this is working, even though I am not even close to doing every move all of the time on the DVD's.  At least I am getting better and that is good!


  1. I have days, even after working out for several months in a row that I just don't have the energy to do my whole workout. It just happens, I wouldn't worry about it too much!

  2. I agree with Lahni-- just the fact that your pushing yourself to YOUR limit is all that matters, whatever that limit is. There is still no way I can keep up with Tony and his Crew... I just do my best and "Forget the Rest" (another good ol' Tony quote) ... can you tell I'm familiar with those DVD's?? hehehe. I'm proud of you Megan, keep it up!
