Monday, October 25, 2010

Chest and Back

Today is Chest and back day.  Even though I could only do like 10 reps of the different push-ups (on my knees), I think that I am going to have fun getting better throughout these next 90 days.  Otto still hasn't installed our chin-up bar yet, so I haven't been able to do that part of the workout, so it was only push-ups and weights for me today. . . . . and. . . . well. . . . I really enjoyed it.  I don't have time to do the abs right now, so I am going to have to do those tonight after my appointments and I am looking forward to it!  I could totally feel the pain in my abs after my last workout and that is an area that I really need to work out and strengthen!
So, now it's off to pick up my chocolate for Christmas, sing in my women's chorus, teach piano, sign up a new Heritage Maker's Consultant and then do my ab workout tonight!  Here's hoping I have the energy to do all of this!

1 comment:

  1. Yay for day 3!!! You will be amazed how much energy you get -- I think it's all the food. Dayln and I are getting back on Track today, so I will be feeling your pain. I don't even use the chin up bar yet -- I'm way too weak. I use the bands... they give the perfect amount of resistance, which is preparing me to be able to do real chin ups later down the road. Did you get the bands?
