Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Caught Red Handed

So, today, my boys finally figured out what I am doing when I disappear for an hour.  Something went wrong with their TV program and they went to go and find me . . . . . and find me they did!  I was right in the middle of my Polymetrics workout. (aka. . . . jumping and sweating)  Dustin immediately got worried and decided that he needed to sit on my bed and watch me while I worked out to make sure I was okay.  It may have been my extremely red face that worried him, or the fact that I was sweating buckets and almost crying that worried him, or maybe he just hasn't seen me move around like that for a long time that set him off.  Whatever it was, the kid was worried about me.
I feel great now!  I probably should shower before I take Dustin to the bus stop, but I am so glad that I took the time to do that workout.  So far it is my favorite!  I have had problems with my calves and ankles because of running and I can see that this high impact workout may end up causing me problems, but hopefully I can modify some of the moves and then it won't affect my legs and I can keep doing it once a week!
As a follow-up to yesterday, I never did get the time to do my Ab ripper workout that I was hoping to do yesterday evening because I got home too late and I had a ton of stuff still left to do. . . . so tomorrow it is!  My abs are waiting and ready!  I can't wait to get some strength back in my ab muscles.
I know that this is only day 5 of my workouts, but I am really enjoying myself so far.  I feel really inflexible and out of shape, but I can feel my muscles thanking me!  It really helps that I have already lost 5 lbs since I have started and even though I know that I will eventually plateau, this has been really rewarding for me to see the immediate results. . . . it's really motivating!
When I was in high school and dating Otto, and even when we were still living in the married student housing at the University, I did a bunch of weight training and I was really into it.  I can feel that my muscles remember the training that I did and I am already feeling them tighten up again and I am loving it!!!
So off to the rest of my day now.  Day 5 is finished!!!


  1. Hey Meg, I hope you don't mind me reading this blog, I'm doing the same program (with weight watchers) and so it's nice to check in with others to keep me motivated! I've done the 90 days of the classic program and now I'm doing the "lean" program because right now I'm looking for more lean results rather than bulky which my body tends to do! Anyway...keep up the great work!

  2. Libby! Totally read along! I could really use some tips from someone who has done it before. . . . so please share your wisdom!!!

  3. I love working out...I always feel so much better on the days that I workout than on the days that I don't. I'm not doing anything nearly as strenuous as you but I know what you mean. As for the high impact, I have bad knees (no cartilage in there apparently) so I have to be careful what I do but I've found that my body tones up really quick and I only have to avoid that high impact for a few days before my legs can take the extra strain off my knees.
