Thursday, October 28, 2010


Yoga, Y-O-G-A, Yoga!
That was today. . . . . and I thoroughly enjoyed it!  I am excited to say that today is my one weekaversary!  I haven't cheated on my nutrition plan and I have been able to do my exercises every day, except for last Saturday.
The trick will be this weekend, I think.  I am headed to my Brother and Sister-in-Law's house for the weekend and so I will have no control over what we eat and I won't be able to work out.  I think that maybe I will convince Lisa that we should go on a power walk or something so I can at least do some sort of workout while I am away.
Can I say that I am loving this?
I am!
I am starting to feel everything tighten again.  I am really glad that I have taken this on as my goal and that it is going so well.  I feel like an uncoordinated, unflexable slob a lot of the time, but today there was a definite improvement in my abilities after only one week and I have already seen the results in my weightloss and I have lost 1" off of my waist and thighs, so I am really motivated to continue going on with this program.
My sister, Amanda, keeps telling me that with this program I will somehow find the energy that I have been lacking, and she is RIGHT!  I hope she reads this because she should frame that last sentence :)  I have lots more energy and I have only had to take a nap once this week (I usually have to have one every day) which is awesome!
So, wish me luck this weekend. . . . I am going to need it to stay strong!

1 comment:

  1. hahaha -- you're hilarious! I'm glad I was right and that you've found the energy we were talking about! :) Just so you know, I'm diligently following this blog, which says a lot, because I am not a blogger or a blog reader. You have given me a renewed motivation to keep going with this program.... and guess what...??... I fit into my jeans that I haven't been able to wear since before I had Treyden -- WOOHOO!! Thanks for starting this program and motivating me to pick back up again. Now, let's "BRING IT" (said with my arms in an X, just like they do on the DVD) ;)
